
Showing posts from May 22, 2019

Graham Land

Koordinatar: 66°00′S 63°30′W  Nordlege Graham Land og omliggande øyar 1  Den antarktiske halvøya, 2  James Ross Island, 3  D'Urville Island, 4  Joinville Island, 5  Dundee Island, 6  Snow Hill Island, 7  Vega Island, 8  Seymour Island, 9  Andersson Island, 10  Paulet Island, 11  Lockyer Island, 12  Eagle Island, 13  Jonassen Island, 14  Bransfield Island, 15  Astrolabe Island, 16  Tower Island Eit frimerke frå 1944 frå Falklandsøyane med overstempling for bruk i Graham Land. Graham Land er den delen av Den antarktiske halvøya som ligg nord for linja mellom Cape Jeremy og Cape Agassiz. Denne skildringa av Graham Land samsvarar med avtalen frå 1964 mellom britiske Antarctic Place-names Committee og amerikanske Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names, der namnet «Den antarktiske halvøya» vart godkjend som namn på den store halvøya i Antarktis, og namna Graham Land og Palmer Land for dei høvesvis nordlege og sørlege områda. Graham Land er kalla opp etter Sir James R. ...

Engineer refusing to file/disclose patents

120 31 We have a senior engineer on our team that routinely excels at his work. In addition to his regular work, our company has a patent program where engineers can write up a patent for a novel idea, and submit it to our patent team. Within about 6 months, the engineer will get anything in the range of $300 to $5000, depending on the value of the patent from the perspective of the patent team. This engineer has filed over 30 successful patents over the past 2 years, and all of these inventions are used in our products (and he's made about $110,000.00 from the patent disclosures alone). The company has recently decided to dial back the benefits for this program, to a simple $100 "finder's fee" for a patent submission, and an additional $900 for a "good" patent. Since employees write t...