
Showing posts from April 1, 2019

“It doesn't matter” or “it won't matter”? The Next CEO of Stack Overflow“doesn't” or “didn't” in “What doesn't kill you…”Should I say “He don't” or “He won't send him on deliveries”?Nice to meet and nice to know youWhat are the differences between “I don't mind”, “I don't care” and “It doesn't matter”?What is the difference between “say” and “tell”?The correct preposition to use with 'holiday'Present Future: “If he doesn't help me, I'm finished”Tenses when talking about recorded videoUse of tense when speakingAre “when/whenever/where/wherever possible” synonyms?

Could you use a laser beam as a modulated carrier wave for radio signal? Are British MPs missing the point, with these 'Indicative Votes'? Can this transistor (2N2222) take 6 V on emitter-base? Am I reading the datasheet incorrectly? Read/write a pipe-delimited file line by line with some simple text manipulation Traveling with my 5 year old daughter (as the father) without the mother from Germany to Mexico Direct Implications Between USA and UK in Event of No-Deal Brexit Shortening a title without changing its meaning How can a day be of 24 hours? Why did early computer designers eschew integers? Is it a bad idea to plug the other end of ESD strap to wall ground? Why do we say “un seul M” and not “une seule M” even though M is a “consonne”? Incomplete cube pgfplots: How to draw a tangent graph below two others? Is it correct to say moon starry nights? Is it "common practice in Fourier transform spectroscopy to multiply the...