Is it possible to use .desktop files to open local pdf files on specific pages with a browser?
I'd like to use desktop files to open pdf files on specific pages, I've tried creating a file with the following syntax: [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=mypdf.pdf Type=Link URL=file:///home/myhomefolder/mypdf.pdf#page=45 Icon=application-pdf When I open this file the default browser opens my pdf file on page 1, it's like it considers #page=45 as a comment, even though if I paste the address file:///home/myhomefolder/mypdf.pdf#page=45 directly on the browser I get the expected result (the pdf opens on page 45)... I realized that if I use this syntax for pdf files on the internet it works as expected and it opens the pdf on the page that I've predetermined, the problem is only with local files. Is it possible to use desktop files to open local pdf files on specific pages? Or i...