
Showing posts from May 7, 2019


Konvergens (latin con- med, vergere bøye seg mot), kan tyde : Konvergens i matematikk Konvergens i geologi Konvergens i filosofi Konvergent evolusjon Konvergenssone Sjå òg | konvergere Dette er ei fleirtydingsside. Ho listar sider om ulike emne som elles ville hatt same namnet. Dersom du følgde ei lenkje hit, kan du kanskje gå tilbake og rette henne slik at ho peikar direkte til den rette sida. This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

Is kid-friendly an appropriate synonym of child-oriented?

1 I am a German native speaker and I am currently working on a project. We called the project KARLI which is the short form of the German first name Karl. The english translation of Karl is Charles. KARLI means Kindgerechtes Augmented Reality Lern Interface. We want to translate this to English. I came up with the idea to name it CHARLI (Child-Oriented Augmented Reality Learn Interface) but my team members convinced me that we should not change the project's name. However, I also convinced them that we should at least find a translation for the long description. So one of my team members had the idea to translate it to Kidsfriendly Augmented Reality Learn Interface. I was not quite sure, if kidsfriendly is an appropriate translation and I did some research on the internet. However, the results were not cl...