Folder comparison
I have two folders with similar subfolder structures, which I would like to compare. For example: A ├── child-1 ├── child-2 ├── child-3 ├── child-4 ├── child-5 and B ├── child-1-some-text ├── child-2-more-text ├── child-3-nothing ├── child-6-random-text ├── child-7-more-random-text I would like to list all those subfolders from A which are prefix for a subfolder in B and list corresponding subfolders from B as well. The expected output is child-1 -- child-1-some-text child-2 -- child-2-more-text child-3 -- child-3-nothing A secondary requirement: If multiple matches in B , then it should give an error / warning. My solution : cd A for f in `ls -d */`; do cd B; new_dirs=(`ls -1d $f*`); cd -; if [ ${#new_dirs[@]} -eq 0 ] then ## DO_Nothing ...