
Showing posts from October 11, 2019

What is the meaning of 'in my honor'?

0 I attended a farewell dinner in my honor. Can you tell me what is the meaning of 'in my honor'? meaning share | improve this question asked 6 hours ago Y. zeng Y. zeng 27 2 New contributor Y. zeng is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering. Check out our Code of Conduct. ...


Ulike måtar å visa ei metylgruppe (i blått) på Metyl er ei einverdig funksjonell gruppe med kjemisk formel CH 3 . Ho finst i fleire organiske sambindingar, slike som metanol ( CH 3 OH ), aceton ( CH 3 COCH 3 ), eddiksyre ( CH 3 COOH ) og toluen ( C 6 H 5 CH 3 ). Alle alkan har metylgrupper på endane av karbonkjedene. Metyl finst òg i fri tilstand som eit ustabilt radikal med eit upara elektron. Kjelder | «metyl» i Store norske leksikon , Henta 6. april 2016. Denne artikkelen er ei spire . Du kan hjelpe Nynorsk Wikipedia gjennom å utvide han . This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

What's the meaning of this extra rest? [duplicate]

3 This question already has an answer here: Notes value surpass the time signature of 4/4 1 answer This is the first bar of F. W. Mecham Op 92 - American Patrol Semiquaver triplet + quaver + quaver rest + quarter rest 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/8 + 1/4 = 2/4 + 1/8 What's with the meaning of the extra eighth? notation time-signatures staccato share | improve this question edited 3 hours ago Shevliaskovic 20.4k 13 80 170 ...